Monday 14 November 2011


Features of the trailer of "The Thing" that i like.

"The Thing" is an effective trailer and uses many different editing techniques to make the person watching it feel like they are actually there. The thing i like most out of the trailer is what happens at exactly 1.00 the man is edging slowly towards something but we cant see what the sound is quiet so it builds up tension there is then a fade to black and a loud bang when the video comes back from the black he is being dragged backwards underneath something. We had a similar idea with dragging someone backwards out of bed but now we can use the idea of a fade to black first to build tension.

Features of the trailer of "Haunted Changi" that i like. 

"HAUNTED CHANGI" uses video that looks like real video footage to make the watcher think that the special effects arent added on, the way they make it look like a real CCTV camera is by adding a filter effect in an editing program such as "bad TV" or "Plasma glow". The way the inter titles look like they have been sprayed onto the floor in the shot is also effective but then it wipes away so we know its been super emposed over the top.

Features of the trailer of "Hide and seek" that i like.

The trailer to 'Hide and Seek', I find typically scary as there has been a whole narrative set up to suit what is going to happen in the future, horrors often use children to manipulate the innocent factor to something that is scary. The way they move to somewhere new shows that a change could easily happen, the girls mother having just died allows us to know that the girl would be troubled, and giving her father some responsibility. The imaginary friend we never see, 'charlie' controls the girl, and uses her to threaten the woman who meets her father, the whole way she blames 'charlie' and draws the policeman dying, gives us a sense that the imaginary friend is very real, maybe a spirit that has influenced this innocent girl to create punishment for her father and his choices. I think this could be interpreted into our trailer we will make as the whole children involvement and not seeing the villain adds some fear for the audience.

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