Friday 7 October 2011

Don't Be afraid of the Dark Trailer analyses

The trailer uses a just a black screen for a good 40 seconds with a voice over whispering "Your siting there in the dark but dont worry there is nothing to be afraid of" this makes you feel like there is something around you. The sound makes use of the 5.1 surround sound by adding whispers from different speaker to make you feel asif there is somethign all around you. The first thign we see from this long 40 seconds of Black is this shot below the text has been overlayed onto the video this gives the feel of entrapment. 

Next we have a gothic style house faded in from black, Gothic style houses are a typical convention of horror films as they are usually set in spooky old mansions, castles, or fog-shrouded, dark and shadowy locales. And the main characters are usually mysterious people normally owning the house or having something to do with the house.
I would say this is a conventional horror trailer as it includes : Dark flashes, Mansion, Big open rooms with nowhere to hide this trailer is very similar to "A night alone" with there being lots of long shots of mysterious things we cant work out until the camera moves in closer. The majority of this trailer is very dark the only time we see any light is when the light flashes from the lightning.

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